Friday 5 September 2008


Having been playing around on photoshop and feeling just ever so slightly arty, which is probably the last word anyone who knows me would choose to use to describe me! I have played around with the picture of the bloom as I wasn't overly happy with the flash on the pictures bleaching out the detail. So heres my new version. Also here is the orchid, I love the way the editing has higlighted the flash pattern against the wall, it makes it even more stylised! I'm starting to feel slightly impressed with myself.

Beautiful blooms

Never seen these beautiful flowers before, but was given these by my parents after having them over for dinner, they have bloomed beautifully and lasted really well, having fresh gorgeous flowers in the house definately make the house much more welcoming.
The other is my orchids which have surprisingly lasted this long, I'm not usually overly successful, but I have pretty much left this alone and its done really well!!

Bye bye bikes!

Well after a lovely summer together its goodbye and farewell to my motorbike, and Phil's! We've had fun, I've ticked another thing off my 'things to do before I die' list, and had a hobby to do with Phil. Never quite made it round Europe but hey you have to save somethings to do when you're older! We did go to Dorset and that was a lovely experience to share with Phil and it also highlighted some of the drawbacks of motorbiking, like sitting on the beach in the middle of summer with full biking gear on! Or trying to walk round Corfe castle with big hot boots on and carrying a helmet, as they say you live and learn! and we wouldn't have had it any other way. Also I suppose its one less thing to worry about, it was always on the back of my mind when Phil went out on his bike I couldn't quite settle till I knew he was home safe, and he admitted yesterday he felt the same about me. Also the biggest bonus of all is that the proceeds of the bikes go towards our ultimate goal of a bigger house! I guess you have to look a the bigger picture and see what we are gaining by selling the bikes as opposed to what we are loosing. Another bonus is I have just remembered the fun you can have of photoshop! Doesn't Lola look cute with go-faster stripes.

Sunday 17 August 2008

Patience is a virtue.....apparently

Well our patience is really being tested to the limit at the moment, as well as our nerves and everything else, we so desperately want this house, the house that will be the future family home, hopefully the home we will bring our children home from the hospital to, and now we have sit and play the waiting game, to see our current beloved house wait for the next Phil and Jo who it will be perfect for, but until then face the rejection. Although yesterday I gave the garden a make over and cheered it up with some colour, made me feel better about it if nothing else.

So many plans on hold, lots of excitement that has to be held in check just in case our dreams are taken away.

On a positive note, friends are coming through bad times, looking bright and happy again and ready to face their futures, it's nice to be part of it all to hold their hands, share their tears, and bring on the laughter once more.....good on them! Looking forward to next weekend where I get to spend Saturday night with nearly all my friends and my best friend of all, my husband. After a very strange night out last night, where lots of realisations came to a head, the biggest of all highlighting my big fear of losing him, not a nice feeling at all but on the flip side it confirms in my head I am well and truly with the love of my life.

Sunday 10 August 2008

The Honeymoon

Having been browsing through pictures I came to our honeymoon photos, the official start to our marriage, the amazing 10 days together in Italy, we had fun, laughs, love and lots of together time. What a beautiful place, peaceful, vibrant colours just begging to be dived into and enjoyed. What a lovely feeling to be catapaulted back to that place of happy times together. I will always treasure those first few days if marriage together they can never be replaced.

Hopefully New Beginnings......

After a weekend in North Yorkshire visiting Phil's lovely parents, we have decided to take the leap and move onwards and upwards in our life quest. Having finished doing up our house we have had a few months to enjoy the fruits of our labour, due to a slump in the property market, bad news for some, hopefully good news for us it means we think there is a brief window of opportunity for us to be able to afford the next step up the property ladder, before the prices rocket again. Disappointingly we wont be making the big bucks on our lovely little home, but hopefully we will at least do just a bit better than breaking even.

It's weird the feeling of accomplishment having shed blood (knuckles scraped on artex plaster ceiling), sweat (hours of labour involved in gutting the bathroom/kitchen etc) and many tears (radiators doing their best to flood our little house) over this home, and now moving on and leaving it behind.

Our home, the home of many firsts...first home together, first real project together, first Christmas together, got married whilst in this house, so full, of very happy memories, sad to leave this home where these memories are based, but as in the book I have just read stated 'memories are portable' and we will certainly be packing them into our moving boxes.